Date ⬇︎
The Holy Spirit is poured out
Sun Mar 09 2025
Matt Alexander

How did the disciples recognise the gift of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost? What was the crowd's reaction? Where did Peter turn to for an explanation? And what does this all mean for us today?
Acts 2:1-21

Remember your training
Sun Mar 02 2025
Matt Alexander

The disciples remembered their training after the departure of the Lord Jesus. What training do Christians need to be remembering and putting into practice today?
Acts 1:12-26

Until we meet again
Sun Feb 23 2025
Matt Alexander

We see in these verses two massive encouragements for Christians today and a challenge inspired by the words of the mysterious men in white.
Acts 1:9-11

Power to witness
Sun Feb 16 2025
Matt Alexander

Working through verse 8 phrase by phrase, we consider the source and effect of our power as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Acts 1:1-8

The marriage covenant
Sun Feb 09 2025
James Smith

A message of affirmation on God’s covenant of marriage as we approach Valentine’s day.
Genesis 1:26-31;2:18-25

Jesus' continuing ministry
Sun Feb 02 2025
Matt Alexander

We begin with a brief introduction to the Book of Acts before reflecting on the fact that Jesus continues "to do and to teach" throughout the Book of Acts and into our day through the Holy Spirit and through His church.
Acts 1:1-5

God moves in
Sun Jan 26 2025
Matt Alexander

This is the climax of Exodus as the glory of the Lord finally fills the tabernacle. We journey through Scripture, following the glory of the Lord and marvel at where the Lord's glory resides today!
Exodus 39:32-40:38

Weakness, worship and witness
Sun Jan 19 2025
Matt Alexander

As we examine this passage, we'll see Moses' weakness, which is transformed into worshipping God, which in turn leads to witness.
Exodus 34:1-35

Disaster averted
Sun Jan 12 2025
Matt Alexander

Following on from the infamous golden calf debacle, Moses intercedes for God's people and seeks to settle two burning questions with the Lord: "Who's going?" and "How can I be sure?" 
Exodus 33:1 - 34:8

Our time is secure in His hands
Sun Jan 05 2025
Eamon Rice

Revelation 21:1-7

How He Loves
Sun Dec 29 2024
Angus MacInnes

Philippians 3:10-14

Mary's journey to faith
Sun Dec 22 2024
Matt Alexander

This morning we look at Mary's journey to faith in her son, Jesus, and draw out three lessons that we can all learn from her.
Luke 1:26-38

An unlikely invitation
Sun Dec 15 2024
LICC - Down to earth
Matt Alexander

We reflect on a most unlikely invitation to a group of smelly shepherds on the hillside outside Bethlehem from a God whose heart is especially moved by those living on the margins of society.
Luke 2:8-20

A Saviour who is God with us
Sun Dec 08 2024
LICC - Down to earth
Matt Alexander

We reflect on two names that we find in this passage: Jesus and Immanuel. What do these names mean, and what can we learn from them about the person and mission of our Lord Jesus Christ?
Matthew 1:18-25

A King like no other
Sun Dec 01 2024
LICC - Down to earth
Matt Alexander

Our reading is from John 1:1-14, and we reflect on the Lord Jesus Christ who is a King like no other. He is Almighty, he is life-giving, he is humble and he is generous.
John 1:1-14

Madness, mystery, massacre & mediation
Sun Nov 24 2024
Matt Alexander

As we journey through this passage, we will reflect on the madness of idolatry, the mystery of prayer, the massacre in the camp, and the mediation of Moses.
Exodus 32:1-35

Building a masterpiece
Sun Nov 17 2024
Matt Alexander

Where did the materials and labour required to build the tabernacle come from? And what is the relevance of this ancient construction project to the church today?
Exodus 25:1-9; 31:1-11; 36:2-7

A priest fit for a tabernacle
Sun Nov 10 2024
Matt Alexander

How is Jesus both like the priests of the Old Testament and very unlike them? And why is this great news for us as Christians today?
Exodus 28-30

Rebellion, Judgement, Intercession, Atonement
Sun Nov 03 2024
Jonathan Groves

Numbers 16:1-50

Do I have to Pay Tax?
Sun Oct 27 2024
Stephen Ilett

Matthew 17:24-27; 22:15-22

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
Sun Oct 20 2024
John Hulley

Matthew 20:1-16

A tent like no other
Sun Oct 13 2024
Matt Alexander

These chapters contain the Lord's instructions for the construction of the tabernacle and its furnishings. We explore the wonder of the tabernacle for the Israelites of Moses' day, and the even greater wonder of the Word become flesh!
Exodus 25-27

The wonder of seeds!
Sun Oct 06 2024
Matt Alexander

A short reflection on the origin of seeds for our harvest thanksgiving service.
Genesis 1:11; John 12:24

The calling of Peter
Sun Sep 29 2024
Kenny Rogan

We are challenged to share the good news about Jesus, recognising our inadequacy but depending on God's holiness, power and wisdom, which goes far beyond our understanding.
Luke 5:1-11

"Come dine with me"
Sun Sep 22 2024
Matt Alexander

This chapter contains an astonishing invitation from the Lord to a group of the Israelite elders to ascend Mt Sinai and share a covenant meal with Him. We explore the significance of this invitation then and now.
Exodus 24:1-18

The Book of the Covenant
Sun Sep 15 2024
Matt Alexander

This section is known as the Book of the Covenant, and we'll be thinking about why this list of laws is still relevant for Christians today.
Exodus 20:22 - 23:33

Set an example for the believers
Sun Sep 08 2024
Matt Alexander

An encouragement to the young people to set an example for the older generations in the church family.
1 Timothy 4:9-16

Cultivating Contentment and Generosity
Sun Sep 01 2024
Matt Alexander

In a society of great material wealth relative to the rest of the world, we see in this passage how the attitudes of contentment and generosity can protect us from the dangerous allure of money.
Philippians 4:10-23

Thinking right and living right
Sun Aug 25 2024
Matt Alexander

How do we as Christians steer a course between extreme criticism of "the world" and an uncritical naivete towards "the world"? These verses provide us with some sound guidance.
Philippians 4:8-9

Battling Anxiety
Sun Aug 18 2024
Matt Alexander

Anxiety seems to be an ever-increasing problem in our society. These verses equip us to fight against it.
Philippians 4:4-7

The importance of unity
Sun Aug 11 2024
Matt Alexander

Why is unity such a big deal and what drastic steps does Paul take to overcome disunity in Philippi?
Philippians 4:1-3

Sun Aug 04 2024
Oliver Vellacott

Isaiah 55:6-13

Sun Jul 28 2024
Mike Rattenbury

Genesis 27: 25-41 & 1 Peter 3:8-14

Sun Jul 21 2024
Rob Nicolson

Psalm 82:1-8

Two ways to live
Sun Jul 07 2024
Matt Alexander

Paul sets down the only two ways to live: are we friends or enemies of the cross of Christ?
Philippians 3:15-4:1

Pressing on
Sun Jun 30 2024
Matt Alexander

Paul encourages the Philippian Christians to follow his example and "press on" in the Christian life. But how are we to keep pressing on? Paul gives at least four answers to that question in these verses.
Philippians 3:12-14

Jesus - the ultimate hero
Sun Jun 23 2024
Matt Alexander

Hebrews 12:1-3

The surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus
Sun Jun 16 2024
Matt Alexander

Paul's knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ surpassed any achievement in this world. Are we, like Paul, desperate to know Christ and to receive the righteousness from God that is by faith?
Philippians 3:1-11

Timothy and Epaphroditus: Faithful gospel workers
Sun Jun 09 2024
Matt Alexander

What does it mean for a Christian to be a "brother, co-worker and fellow soldier" (v. 25)?
Philippians 2:19-30

Work out your salvation
Sun Jun 02 2024
Matt Alexander

Paul encourages the Philippian Christians to work out their salvation by (1) Working for peace for the sake of their gospel witness, and (2) Joyfully offering their living sacrifice to the Lord.
Philippians 2:12-18

Coincidence or Providence?
Sun May 26 2024
Mike Rattenbury

Exodus 2:11-15; Acts 9:1-19

The mind of Christ Jesus
Sun May 19 2024
Matt Alexander

What is the mind of Christ Jesus? What was the mind of God the Father towards Christ Jesus? And what might it look like for us to have the mind of Christ Jesus?
Philippians 2:5-11

War and Peace
Sun May 12 2024
Matt Alexander

Paul encourages the believers in Philippi to resist the war without and to strive for peace within.
Philippians 1:27 - 2:4

Don't waste your life
Sun May 05 2024
Matt Alexander

Our focus this morning is verse 21, which could be described as a motto verse for Paul's life: "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." What does Paul mean, and how can we live this way?
Philippians 1:18-26

Advancing the gospel
Sun Apr 28 2024
Matt Alexander

In spite of Paul's imprisonment, the gospel is advancing. As we investigate how this is happening, may we catch Paul's passion for sharing the good news about Jesus.
Philippians 1:12-18

Partnership and Prayer
Sun Apr 21 2024
Matt Alexander

What does Paul have to say about his gospel partners in Philippi and how does he pray for them?
Philippians 1:3-11

An Introduction
Sun Apr 14 2024
Matt Alexander

This morning we're starting a new series on Paul's letter to the church in Philippi. In Acts 16:11-40, we witness the birth of the Philippian church through the salvation of Lydia and the jailer, along with their households. These are the "saints in Christ Jesus" to whom the letter is addressed.
Acts 16:11-40; Philippians 1:1-2

The healing at the pool
Sun Apr 07 2024
Donnie Macleod

John 5:1-18

Is there a way back to God?
Sun Mar 31 2024
Matt Alexander

This morning we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! We reflect together on Jesus' reinstatement of Peter in John 21 as we seek to answer the question: "Is there a way back to God?"
John 21:15-23

Easter All-age talk
Sun Mar 24 2024
Matt Alexander

John 3:16

Worship or waste?
Sun Mar 17 2024
Matt Alexander

As we prepare our hearts for Easter, we consider Jesus' anointing at Bethany. In the socially awkward dinner party, we witness a costly demonstration of love, a criticism and a commendation.
John 12:1-8

Hope in the One who is "the way"
Sun Mar 10 2024
Mike Rattenbury

Psalm 23, John 13:31 - 14:7

Man's chief end
Sun Mar 03 2024
Matt Alexander

Using the first answer in the Westminster Shorter Catechism as a framework, we explore how these verses help and encourage us to glorify God and enjoy His presence forever.
Exodus 20:18-26

You shall not covet...
Sun Feb 25 2024
Matt Alexander

We live in a society where coveting is actively encouraged through the advertising industry. How can we as Christians seek to obey this commandment against this backdrop?
Exodus 20:17

Speak the truth
Sun Feb 18 2024
Matt Alexander

What does it mean to give false testimony? Why is lying such a serious thing? And how can we demonstrate that we are "on the side of truth" (John 18:37)?
Exodus 20:16

You shall not steal
Sun Feb 11 2024
Matt Alexander

What does it mean to steal and how might we be stealing without perhaps even realising it? What positive attitudes can we develop to help us avoid breaking this commandment?
Exodus 20:15

You shall not commit adultery
Sun Feb 04 2024
Matt Alexander

The attitude of our society towards adultery is very different from that of the ancient world. How are we to obey this commandment in the midst of a highly sexualised society?
Exodus 20:14

You shall not murder
Sun Jan 28 2024
Matt Alexander

What is this commandment prohibiting? How was it intensified by Jesus? And what is the relevance for us in 21st century Scotland? 
Exodus 20:13

Honour your parents
Sun Jan 21 2024
Matt Alexander

How do we honour our parents today, and what is the continuing relevance for those who no longer have parents alive to honour?
Exodus 20:12

Remember the Sabbath Day
Sun Jan 14 2024
Matt Alexander

In our frantically busy society, what does it mean to "Remember the Sabbath day"?
Exodus 20:8-11

Respect for God's Name
Sun Jan 07 2024
Matt Alexander

What does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain? Why is it so serious? And where do we find hope for the guilty? Join us as we explore these questions together.
Exodus 20:7

Put your hand in the hand of God
Sun Dec 31 2023
Mike Rattenbury

As we enter a new year with all the unknowns that lie ahead, we take comfort and courage from the truth that Jesus is with us.
1 John 1:1-4; John 17:20-26

Recognising the Extraordinary in the Ordinary
Sun Dec 24 2023
The Whole Christmas Story
Matt Alexander

Our focus this morning is on the birth of a Saviour who is Christ the Lord. We reflect on the wonder of the shepherds as, with eyes of faith, they recognised the extraordinary in the ordinary.
Luke 2:1-20

What's in a Christmas cracker?
Sun Dec 17 2023
Matt Alexander

Matt gave a short all-age talk on how the contents of a Christmas cracker reminds him of Jesus - God's ultimate gift to the world. He makes reference to a video called 'Herod's secret policeman', which can be found here.

Waiting in hope
Sun Dec 10 2023
The Whole Christmas Story
Matt Alexander

Our focus this morning is on the prophetic expectation of a Messiah - a man who was anointed by God to rescue God's people. Isaiah was waiting in hope for this Messiah as he penned the words of his prophecy.
Isaiah 52:13-53:12

Sun Dec 03 2023
The Whole Christmas Story
Matt Alexander

Our focus this morning is on brokenness as it is revealed to us in Psalm 6, particularly the brokenness of depression. We consider the root cause of all brokenness, and conclude with some glimmers of hope.
Psalm 6

Made Whole
Sun Nov 26 2023
The Whole Christmas Story
Matt Alexander

This morning we're starting an advent series (a week early - apologies for any confusion!) focussing on "The WHOLE Christmas storty". This morning we focus on how God originally made the world whole as we reflect on the psalmist's poetic retelling of the Creation account in Psalm 104:1-24.
Psalm 104:1-24

My dear friends, flee from idolatry
Sun Nov 19 2023
Matt Alexander

What are our idols? How might we identify them? And what is the one image that is worthy of our worship?
Exodus 20:4-6

God, Grace and Law
Sun Nov 12 2023
Matt Alexander

We structure our meditation on the first commandment around three words: God, Grace and Law.
Exodus 20:1-3

The Great Confirmation
Sun Nov 05 2023
Paul Haringman

Matthew 28:16-20

From glory to glory via suffering
Sun Oct 29 2023
Jonathan Groves

A reflection on the significance of the transfiguration within the context of the whole Bible.
Matthew 17:1-13

Encountering the Holy God
Sun Oct 15 2023
Matt Alexander

We reflect on the holiness of God and how we should prepare ourselves to encounter this holy God.
Exodus 19:7-25

From one leader to a kingdom of priests
Sun Oct 08 2023
Matt Alexander

We will chart a progression through this passage from Moses as a single, solitary leader of God's people to the nation as a "kingdom of priests", and consider what the implications are for us today.
Exodus 18:13-19:6

What kind of soil are you?
Sun Oct 01 2023
Matt Alexander

Mark 4:1-20

A Midianite comes to faith
Sun Sep 17 2023
Matt Alexander

This passage reveals the power of personal testimony and speaks of a meal that was of huge significance in God's great plan of redemption.
Exodus 18:1-12

Spiritual Warfare
Sun Sep 10 2023
Matt Alexander

This passage helps us to understand the nature of spiritual warfare and encourages us to keep fighting in the knowledge that the decisive victory has been won and the final victory is assured.
Exodus 17:8-16

Learning to trust
Sun Sep 03 2023
Matt Alexander

In this passage, the Lord is teaching His people to put their trust in Him for the day, for the Sabbath, and for eternity.
Exodus 15:25-16:36

Give us something to drink!
Sun Aug 27 2023
Matt Alexander

We see in these verses the great danger of grumbling and we are challenged to think about the source of our satisfaction as Christians.
Exodus 15:22-25; 17:1-7

The song at the sea
Sun Aug 20 2023
Matt Alexander

What can we learn from this "Song at the Sea" about what it means to truly worship God?
Exodus 15:1-21

Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
Sun Aug 13 2023
Matt Alexander

We reflect on how this amazing miracle of deliverance brought glory to the LORD and pointed forward to an even greater miracle of deliverance at the cross.
Exodus 14:1-31

Guided by the Lord
Sun Aug 06 2023
Matt Alexander

We reflect on the fact that the LORD both knows the way and shows the way; and just as he led His people out of Egypt, so He will lead His people today as we trust in His promises.
Exodus 13:17-22

The importance of remembering
Sun Jul 30 2023
Matt Alexander

We reflect on the three festivals or rituals that the LORD gave his people to help them remember Him when they entered the promised land and what we can learn from this today.
Exodus 12:31 - 13:16

The Substitute
Sun Jul 23 2023
Matt Alexander

We reflect on the substitutionary sacrifice of the Passover lamb.
Exodus 11:1 - 12:30

The glory of God
Sun Jul 16 2023
Mike Rattenbury

John 12:20-28; 13:31-35

What 3 words?
Sun Jul 09 2023
Oliver Vellacott

What three words describe the condition of your life? Oliver's words: Sinner, Jesus & Loved
Acts 2:22-24, 36-41

The Lord's Supper
Sun Jul 02 2023
Mark Smith

1 Corinthians 11:23-32

Lessons from the plagues (Part 2)
Sun Jun 25 2023
Matt Alexander

As we continue to reflect on the plague narrative, we see 1) The deceitfulness of sin, 2) the darkness of God's judgement, 3) the provision of light and life, and 4) the missional purpose of the plagues.
Exodus 9:1 - 10:29

Swimming against the tide
Sun Jun 18 2023
1 Peter
Matt Alexander

Peter was writing to Christians who were very conscious that they were swimming against the tide of their culture. He calls them to love one another, to love their enemies, and most importantly, to love the Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 3:8-22

The absolute superiority of the LORD
Sun Jun 11 2023
Matt Alexander

We reflect on the absolute superiority of the LORD over the gods of Egypt, over creation, and over Pharaoh himself.
Exodus 7:1-8:32

What's in a name?
Sun Jun 04 2023
Matt Alexander

God reiterates the significance of His name to Moses. Five times God says, "I am the LORD". In verses 6-8 we discover a foretaste of the gospel in Exodus with promises of Redemption, Relationship and Resettlement.
Exodus 6:1-30

When things get worse, not better
Sun May 28 2023
Matt Alexander

We reflect on the realities of (i) the spiritual battle that all Christians are engaged in, and (ii) God's providence and plan. 
Exodus 5:1-23

Your God is too small
Sun May 21 2023
Matt Alexander

We reflect on three attributes of God's character revealed in this passage: 1) His Fatherhood, 2) His Sovereign Rule and 3) His Holiness.
Exodus 4:18-31

Excuses, Excuses
Sun May 14 2023
Matt Alexander

We reflect on the dual call of God on the life of every Christian both to salvation and to vocation.
Exodus 4:1-17

God's Name and God's Plan
Sun May 07 2023
Matt Alexander

What are the implications of the fact that God has revealed His personal and covenant name to us?
Exodus 3:13-22

The message of salvation
Sun Apr 30 2023
Donnie Macleod

Acts 13:13-43

Do this in remembrance of me
Sun Apr 23 2023
Mike Rattenbury

John 6:48-59; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

In a little while...
Sun Apr 16 2023
Oliver Vellacott

John 16:16-24

The Wounded Saviour
Sun Apr 09 2023
Easter 2023
Matt Alexander

As we celebrate the resurrection of our Saviour, we reflect on the fact that the scars of the crucifixion remain on his body, and explore some of the implications of that.
John 20:19-31

Confidence through Courage
Sun Apr 02 2023
Confidence Lent Series
Matt Alexander

This morning we are concluding a short series on the theme of Confidence that runs parallel to the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity's Lent Devotional series. We will be reflecting this morning on how we can be confident Christians through courage, focusing on the courage demonstrated by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in Daniel chapter 3, and the fact that they were not alone in the fiery furnace.
Daniel 3:1-30

What if Jesus was not raised?
Sun Mar 26 2023
Easter All-age service
Matt Alexander

What might have happened if Jesus had not been raised from the dead on the third day?
1 Corinthians 15:20

Confidence through Competence
Sun Mar 26 2023
Confidence Lent Series
Matt Alexander

We'll reflect on Peter's instruction to believers to "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." (1 Pet. 3:15) 
1 Peter 3:13-16

Confidence through Consistent Spiritual Practices
Sun Mar 19 2023
Confidence Lent Series
Matt Alexander

We will be reflecting this morning on how we can be confident Christians through consistent spiritual practices. We'll reflect on the parable of the wise and foolish builders (Matthew 7:24-27) before considering how these practices were lived out in the lives of our Lord Jesus and his followers, and finally we'll think about what this means for us on a practical level.
Matthew 7:24-27

Confidence through Compassion
Sun Mar 12 2023
Confidence Lent Series
Matt Alexander

This morning we are continuing a short series on the theme of Confidence that runs parallel to the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity's Lent Devotional series. We will be reflecting this morning on how we can be confident Christians through compassion. We'll consider where compassion comes from and what it looks like in practice.
Luke 10:25-37

Confidence through Community
Sun Mar 05 2023
Confidence Lent Series
Matt Alexander

This morning we are continuing a short series on the theme of Confidence that runs parallel to the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity's Lent Devotional series. We will be reflecting this morning on how we can be confident Christians through community. We'll see that community is a Biblical principle, and then consider one particularly striking example of spiritual friendsip that we find in Scripture.
Proverbs 27:17; Hebrews 10:24-25

Confidence through being convinced
Sun Feb 26 2023
Confidence Lent Series
Matt Alexander

This morning we are starting a short series on the theme of Confidence that runs parallel to the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity's Lent Devotional series. We will be reflecting this morning on how we can be confident Christians as a result of being convinced
Romans 8:31-39

Exodus 3:1-12
Sun Feb 19 2023
Matt Alexander

The Lord reveals himself to Moses by means of the burning bush. This passage speaks to us both of God's identity as He reveals Himself to Moses, and our identity, as we ask the same question that Moses asked: "Who am I...?"
Exodus 3:1-12

Exodus 2:11-25
Sun Feb 12 2023
Matt Alexander

We unpack four contrasts in this passage: 1) Comfort or Discomfort, 2) Man's way or God's way, 3) Stand up or Stay seated and 4) Forgotten or Remembered.
Exodus 2:11-25

Exodus 1:22 - 2:10
Sun Feb 05 2023
Matt Alexander

We will see how this story of Moses' birth points us both backwards to God's work of creation and deliverance in Genesis, and forwards to the Saviour of the world and to the God who is able to work for good in the midst of evil situations.
Exodus 1:22 - 2:10

Exodus 1:15-21
Sun Jan 29 2023
Matt Alexander

As we read this story of two courageous midwives, we see that a) Life is precious! b) We can honour God in our everyday activities, c) We are to fear God more than we fear people, and d) God honours those who honour Him.
Exodus 1:15-21

Exodus 1:1-14
Sun Jan 22 2023
Matt Alexander

As we consider the slavery of the Israelites in Egypt, we ask "Whose slave are we?", "How do we respond to God's silence?" and "What is our confidence in the face of opposition or oppression?"
Exodus 1:1-14

Matthew 28:16-20
Sun Jan 15 2023
Matt Alexander

Matthew presents us with the conclusion to his gospel in a passage that has been called "The Great Commission". We will consider four questions: Who is it for? What is the basis of it? What does it consist of? And, what guarantee or reassurance is provided by Jesus?
Matthew 28:16-20

Matthew 28:1-15
Sun Jan 08 2023
Matt Alexander

Matthew presents evidence for the truth of the resurrection and exposes a lie that was spread in his day and is still in circulation today. How should we respond to the claim that Jesus rose again on the third day? What difference should it make in our lives?
Matthew 28:1-15

New year's message
Sun Jan 01 2023
Enoch Osezuwa

This morning we welcome Enoch Osezuwa to bring us a message of encouragement for the new year. He leads us through seven new things that we can experience in this new year: new birth, a new song, a new name, a new commandment, a new tongue, a new spirit and a new thing.
Isaiah 43:16-19

Simeon's song
Sun Dec 25 2022
Advent 2022: Christmas Playlist
Matt Alexander

The fourth and final song that we find in the  original "Christmas playlist" Simeon's song. This is a song of praise to the promise-keeping God, but Simeon also has some difficult news to deliver to Mary.
Luke 2:21-35

A big-hearted God
Sun Dec 18 2022
Matt Alexander

Echoes of the nativity story from this year's John Lewis advert, which can be found here: John Lewis Christmas advert 2022Hebrews 2:14

The angels' song
Sun Dec 11 2022
Advent 2022: Christmas Playlist
Matt Alexander

This is a short song, but full of adoration and praise, and as we listen to it, we dig down into the two main themes of glory and peace.
Luke 2:8-20

Zechariah's song
Sun Dec 04 2022
Advent 2022: Christmas Playlist
Matt Alexander

Zechariah is guided by the Holy Spirit to prophesy about a much anticipated heavenly visitor, a Redeemer and a Saviour. His song is a song of hope for his time and ours!

Mary's song
Sun Nov 27 2022
Advent 2022: Christmas Playlist
Matt Alexander

This song has been described as "the most revolutionary document in the world". How will you respond to it this morning?
Luke 1:46-55

Matthew 27:55-66
Sun Nov 20 2022
Matt Alexander

As we study this passage, we will see the cost, communion and courage of discipleship, and the fact that God remains in control of this seemingly hopeless situation.
Matthew 27:55-66

Matthew 27:32-56
Sun Nov 13 2022
Matt Alexander

We begin by remembering the horrors of crucifixion, then go on to think about the temptation and the irony of the mockery, the two loud cries of Jesus from the cross, the four supernatural events that accompanied Jesus' death and the extraordinary response of one group of observers.
Matthew 27:32-56

Matthew 27:11-31
Sun Nov 06 2022
Matt Alexander

We examine four sets of contrasts in this tragic passage: Fear of man OR fear of God; notorious criminal OR innocent man; self-proclaimed innocence OR true forgiveness; and mockery OR true worship.
Matthew 27:11-31

Psalm 11
Sun Oct 30 2022
Jonathan Groves

This morning we welcome Jonathan Groves of Kerusso Trust - a charity that supports and enables the church in Malawi. Jonathan will be preaching from Psalm 11 and seeking to answer the question posed in verse 3: "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?"
Psalm 11

Matthew 26:69 - 27:10
Sun Oct 23 2022
Matt Alexander

As we reflect on this tragic passage, we compare and contrast Peter and Judas. In what ways were they similar, and what was the key difference between them?
Matthew 26:69 - 27:10

1 Thessalonians 2:6-12
Sun Oct 16 2022
Mike Rattenbury

We consider the themes of spiritual parenthood and childhood.
1 Thessalonians 2:6-12

Acts 3:1-16
Sun Oct 09 2022
Donnie Macleod

We consider the "before and after" picture of the crippled beggar who went from being a poor man to a privileged man to a changed man. This is the difference that the Lord Jesus Christ can make in our lives if we will let Him in.
Acts 3:1-16

Luke 17:11-19
Sun Oct 02 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we celebrated and gave thanks for the harvest. Matt shared a short message on thankfulness based on Luke 17:11-19, asking three questions: "Why should we be thankful?", "Who do we thank?" and "How do we thank?"
Luke 17:11-19

Matthew 26:47-68
Sun Sep 25 2022
Matt Alexander

We consider these two scenes: the arrest in the garden and Jesus' trial before Caiaphas, and ask the question: "Who's in charge?" The answer may be surprising.
Matthew 26:47-68

Matthew 26:31-46
Sun Sep 18 2022
Matt Alexander

We reverently try to understand the battle that is raging in the mind and heart of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, and give thanks that the outcome of this battle is such good news for fallen disciples.
Matthew 26:31-46

Matthew 26:1-16
Sun Sep 04 2022
Matt Alexander

Our passage this morning invites us to ask the simple and yet challenging question, "What is Jesus worth to you?"
Matthew 26:1-16

Matthew 25:31-46
Sun Aug 28 2022
Matt Alexander

In this  passage we consider (i) The return of the King, (ii) The conditions of the division, (iii) The character of the sheep and (iv) The final destination.
Matthew 25:31-46

Matthew 25:14-30
Sun Aug 21 2022
Matt Alexander

The parable of the talents challenges us once again to faithfulness and consecration to God in light of all that we have been given and of the Lord's return.
Matthew 25:14-30

Matthew 24:45 - 25:13
Sun Aug 14 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we consider the necessity of living both faithfully and wisely in light of Jesus' return.
Matthew 24:45 - 25:13

Matthew 24:32-44
Sun Aug 07 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we return to our series in Matthew's gospel and consider why Jesus' return is both expected and unexpected and how we should live in the light of it.
Matthew 24:32-44

Facing times of discouragement as children of God
Sun Jul 31 2022
Malcolm Gardiner

1 Timothy 3:14 - 5:2

Matthew 24:1-31
Sun Jul 24 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we return to our series through Matthew's gospel and consider Jesus' teaching on the last days before his return. We will consider four exhortations of Jesus to his disciples as well as the importance of the knowledge and assurance of election.
Matthew 24:1-31

"It is more blessed to give than to receive"
Sun Jul 17 2022
Eamon Rice

We reflect on giving back to the Lord in light of God's provision for us.
Mark 12:41-44; Luke 12:22-34

Acts 1:1-11
Sun Jul 10 2022
Oliver Vellacott

We reflect on the fact and the manner of Jesus' second coming.
Acts 1:1-11

John 10:1-10
Sun Jul 03 2022
Mike Rattenbury

What does it mean for Jesus to identify himself as "the door"?
John 10:1-10

Matthew 23:13-39
Sun Jun 19 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we listen to the seven woes that Jesus pronounces against the Pharisees and consider how both they and we might "escape being condemned to hell" (v. 33).
Matthew 23:13-39

Witnessing in the power of the Holy Spirit
Sun Jun 12 2022
Matt Alexander

We consider the incredible power available to us as Christians: its source and the effect that it should have upon us.
Acts 1:1-8

Ephesians 3:14-21
Sun Jun 05 2022
Rob Nicolson

We are encouraged to be "...filled to the measure of all the fulness of God." (v. 19)
Ephesians 3:14-21

Matthew 23:1-12
Sun May 29 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we consider two ways to worship: (1) the way of the Pharisees characterised by the phrase: "It's all about ME"; or (2) the way of Jesus, characterised by the phrase: "It's all about GOD".
Matthew 23:1-12

Matthew 22:34-46
Sun May 22 2022
Matt Alexander

This is the final instalment in the battle of the theological heavyweights that we've seen in chapter 22. Jesus both simplifies the Law and the Prophets in two short commandments and complexifies the Pharisees' understanding of the Messiah's identity. The key question is: "What do you think about the Christ?" (v. 42)
Matthew 22:34-46

Matthew 22:23-33
Sun May 15 2022
Matt Alexander

This week the Sadducees try to trap Jesus with a question. His response challenges every believer to ask whether I truly know the Scriptures and the power of God?
Matthew 22:23-33

Matthew 22:15-22
Sun May 08 2022
Matt Alexander

The Pharisees and Herodians try to trap Jesus in his words. From his wise response we learn 3 key lessons as we grapple with our dual-citizenship status as citizens of both an earthly and a heavenly kingdom.
Matthew 22:15-22

Matthew 22:1-14
Sun May 01 2022
Matt Alexander

As we consider Jesus' kingdom parable of the king's invitation to his son's wedding banquet, we see four features of the kingdom. It is a joyful, rejected, open and generous kingdom. How will you respond to the invitation to come?
Matthew 22:1-14

Matthew 21:33-46
Sun Apr 24 2022
Matt Alexander

In our passage this morning Jesus confronts the chief priests and Pharisees with a controversial parable about a vineyard and some unfaithful tenant farmers. We will try to understand this parable in its original context before drawing from it four lessons about the nature of God and our response to Him.
Matthew 21:33-46

Easter Sunday 2022
Sun Apr 17 2022
Easter 2022
Matt Alexander

As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we reflect on what this means for us personally based on Romans 6:1-14. Christians are people who identify themselves with the death, resurrection and eternal life that is offered to us in and through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 6:1-14

John 3:1-8
Sun Apr 10 2022
Barry Dennis

This morning our good friend Barry Dennis is preaching from John 3:1-8 on Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus.
John 3:1-8

Luke 8:40-56
Sun Apr 03 2022
Oliver Vellacott

This morning our dear friend Oliver Vellacott preached from Luke 8:40-56 about the woman with the haemmhorage and her miraculous encounter with Jesus.
Luke 8:40-56

All-age Easter service message
Sun Mar 27 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we had an all-age service and Matt shared a brief message on what Jesus' resurrection means for us today.
Luke 24:1-8

Matthew 21:23-32
Sun Mar 20 2022
Matt Alexander

These chapters are full of confrontation between Jesus and the religious leaders, and our passage for this morning features another skirmish in which Jesus tests the leaders' devotion to the truth and their desire to obey God.
Matthew 21:23-32

Matthew 21:18-22
Sun Mar 13 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we join Christ in the school of prayer on the roadside between Bethany and Jerusalem and learn from him about the relationship between faith, fruitfulness and believing prayer.
Matthew 21:18-22

Marks of the Authentic Church
Sun Mar 06 2022
Rob Nicolson

Rob reflects on the distinctive features of the early church and challenges us to apply them to our own lives.
Acts 2:42-47

George's Testimony
Sun Mar 06 2022
George Umeaku
Matthew 21:1-17
Sun Feb 27 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we see Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey and reflect on the return of the King. We then watch in shock and awe as he clears the temple and note who is left behind when the dust settles.
Matthew 21:1-17

Matthew 20:17-34
Sun Feb 20 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we follow the journey of Jesus as he approaches Jerusalem. We hear a Prediction of Passion, a Plea for Priority and we see Jesus Pause for Pity's sake.
Matthew 20:17-34

Matthew 19:23 - 20:16
Sun Feb 13 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we consider the subject of rewards: the Reality of the reward, the Risk of focusing exclusively on the reward and the Right attitude towards reward.
Matthew 19:23 - 20:16

Matthew 19:13-30
Sun Feb 06 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we think about what Jesus' statement that "many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first" (Matt. 19:30) means in relation to Jesus' encounters with little children and a wealthy young man.
Matthew 19:13-30

Matthew 19:1-12
Sun Jan 30 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we turn our thoughts to Jesus' teaching on marriage, divorce and singleness.
Matthew 19:1-12

Matthew 18:21-35
Sun Jan 23 2022
Matt Alexander

We consider Jesus' parable of the unforgiving servant from which we understand the vital importance of forgiveness. Freely we have been forgiven a great debt, and we are called to freely forgive.
Matthew 18:21-35

Matthew 18:12-20
Sun Jan 16 2022
Matt Alexander

This morning we consider Jesus' teaching on restoring the wanderer and how this relates to church discipline.
Matthew 18:12-20

Matthew 18:1-10
Sun Jan 09 2022
Matt Alexander

We consider 3 lessons that Jesus taught his disciples about living in the new kingdom community of the church concerning humility, dealing with sin and protecting the vulnerable.
Matthew 18:1-10

John 1:1-18
Sun Jan 02 2022
New Year
Willie Miller

As we pause to ponder the immeasurable wonder of the incarnation, we are encouraged to walk, witness, work and worship with our eyes fixed on our wondrous Saviour as we venture forth into another year.
John 1:1-18

The Exaltation of Christ Jesus
Sun Dec 26 2021
Advent 2021
Matt Alexander

We reflect on the second half of the hymn in Philippians 2:9-11, rejoicing in God's exaltation of Christ Jesus and asking ourselves whether we are truly living under the Lordship of Christ?
Philippians 2:9-11

The Ultimate Humiliation
Sat Dec 25 2021
Advent 2021
Matt Alexander

We focus on Philippians 2:8 and marvel at Jesus' willingness to go to the depths of the valley of humiliation in obedience to his Father's will. His love for us took him to the cross. "Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!" (2 Corinthians 9:15)
Philippians 2:8

Real Christmas shines in the darkest of places
Sun Dec 19 2021
Advent 2021
Matt Alexander

We reflect on the darkness around and within us, but also on the "great light" that has dawned upon us in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 9:2,6

The Humiliation of the Incarnation
Sun Dec 12 2021
Advent 2021
Matt Alexander

We chart the course that Christ Jesus took from the starting point of "being in very nature God" to "being made in human likeness" and marvel at his amazing grace towards us.
Philippians 2:1-11

Still burning for Christ?
Sun Dec 05 2021
Matt Alexander

The church motto is "Still burning for Christ," and we spent time reflecting on what that actually means, looking at three Scriptural images for burning, and asking ourselves: "Are we still burning for Christ?"
Luke 24:13-35

Matthew 17:14-27
Sun Nov 28 2021
Matt Alexander

Paul White writes that "...faith in God has solid strength to hold and help us." We reflect on what this passage has to teach us about faith in: God's power, God's plan and God's provision.
Matthew 17:14-27

Matthew 17:1-13
Sun Nov 21 2021
Matt Alexander

In this message, we reflect on the blessings of the mountain experience as a preparation for returning to the valley.
Matthew 17:1-13

Matthew 16:21-28
Sun Nov 14 2021
Matt Alexander

We reflect on the Messiah's shocking mission, Jesus' stinging rebuke of Peter and the great call to discipleship. What would motivate us to deny ourselves, take up a cross and follow Jesus? Find out how Jesus answers that question in this passage.
Matthew 16:21-28

Matthew 16:13-20
Sun Nov 07 2021
Matt Alexander

We ask and attempt to answer two incredibly important questions: "Who is Jesus?" and "How does this understanding of Jesus' identity relate to the church?"
Matthew 16:13-20

Matthew 16:1-12
Sun Oct 31 2021
Matt Alexander

We are encouraged to "keep the main thing the main thing" as we reflect on three "F's" from our passage: (i) A Final sign, (ii) Faithless disciples and (iii) False gospels.
Matthew 16:1-12

Matthew 15:32-39; 16:5-12
Sun Oct 24 2021
John Sode-Woodhead

John zooms out and traces the structure of this section of Matthew's gospel, demonstrating Jesus' focus upon disciple-making and the surprising example at the centre of this narrative.
Matthew 15:32-39; 16:5-12

Living in strange times
Sun Oct 17 2021
Willie Miller

In our passage this morning, Philip shares the good news about Jesus with an Ethiopian eunuch. It is undoubtedly true that we live in strange times, but that is not a new phenomenon for the church. We will see that "strange things" can happen to us, as they did to Philip when we: (i) Step into new territory, (ii) Invite people's questions, and (iii) Follow the Spirit of God.
Acts 8:26-40

Matthew 15:21-28
Sun Oct 10 2021
Matt Alexander

This passage tells the story of Jesus' encounter with the Canaanite mother. As we grapple with some of the difficulties of this passage, I'd like us to consider what we do know about this encounter, and what we don't know. We'll then go on to consider the woman's incredible Dependent Faith, God's Good Design and Jesus' Delight.
Matthew 15:21-28

John 15:1-17
Sun Oct 03 2021
Yinka Oyekan

This is an encouragement and a challenge to remain faithful and to become fruitful through remaining in Christ and committing ourselves to pray as he directed us to.
John 15:1-17

Matthew 14:34 - 15:20
Sun Sep 26 2021
Matt Alexander

As the opposition to Jesus intensifies, we see yet another confrontation between Jesus and the Pharisees in Matthew 15:1-20. We will think about the tyranny of tradition and the tyranny of our hearts. The only way by which we can be liberated from these tyrannies is IN CHRIST.
Matthew 14:34 - 15:20

Matthew 14:13-21
Sun Sep 19 2021
Matt Alexander

This morning we come to the only miracle that is included in all four gospel accounts: the feeding of the five thousand (plus!). We'll consider the compassion of Jesus, his dedication to disciple-making, his commitment to community, his ability to satisfy and his abundant provision.
Matthew 14:13-21

Matthew 13:53-14:12
Sun Sep 12 2021
Matt Alexander

This morning we'll be reading about the rejection of Jesus in his home town of Nazareth (Matt. 13:53-58) and the rejection and execution of John the Baptist by Herod (Matt. 14:1-12) and asking what lessons we can learn from these two painful stories.
Matthew 13:53-14:12

Matthew 13:44-52
Sun Sep 05 2021
Matt Alexander

This morning we'll be considering what it means to really Treasure the kingdom of heaven. We'll also think about the Trawl before the Trial and the need for Testimony about the kingdom.
Matthew 13:44-52

Matthew 13:31-35
Sun Aug 29 2021
Matt Alexander

These two short parables speak to us of the growth of the kingdom of heaven, and as we reflect on them we'll see that the kingdom inaugurated by Jesus is Growing, Reaching, Open to everyone and Welcoming through witnessing.
Matthew 13:31-35

Matthew 13:24-30,36-43
Sun Aug 22 2021
Matt Alexander

This parable helps us to answer the question: Why is evil so persistent in a world in which the kingdom of God is present? We'll consider the 'Destructive plan of the enemy', the 'Delay of the Master' and the 'Division of the harvest' before asking, How should we live in response to these things?
Matthew 13:24-30,36-43

Matthew 13:1-23
Sun Aug 15 2021
Matt Alexander

We'll begin by thinking briefly about what a parable is, and why Jesus taught in parables, before looking at the four types of soil and asking ourselves, "What kind of soil am I?"
Matthew 13:1-23

Matthew 12:38-50
Sun Aug 08 2021
Matt Alexander

This passage marks the end of another section of Matthew's gospel. We hear Jesus proclaiming three great truths and challenging the crowds to respond. There are three different reactions to Jesus from those looking on.
Matthew 12:38-50

Matthew 12:22-37
Sun Aug 01 2021
Matt Alexander

The Pharisees' opposition to Jesus continues to intensify, and this morning we will be considering five lessons that we can learn from this opposition.
Matthew 12:22-37

Living in 'Interesting Times'
Sun Jul 25 2021
Andrew Barrie

We see in this passage how God: (1) demonstrates the limits of human wisdom, (2) reveals ultimate truth, and (3) progresses His purposes.
Daniel 2:1-49

Sinking Faith
Sun Jul 18 2021
Hugh Ferrier

We will consider this passage under three headings: (1) A stormy night, (2) a Sovereign visitor and (3) a sinking disciple.
Matthew 14:22-33

The fear of the Lord
Sun Jul 11 2021
Jack Quinn

Proverbs 9:1-12; Hebrews 10:26-39

Matthew 12:15-21
Sun Jul 04 2021
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be focusing our thoughts on Matthew 12:15-21. In these verses we will see the gentleness of Jesus, God's chosen and beloved servant, bringing hope to the nations.
Matthew 12:15-21

Matthew 12:1-14
Sun Jun 27 2021
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be thinking together about Matthew 12:1-14, which describes a confrontation between Jesus and the Pharisees over the Sabbath. How do we avoid the legalism of the Pharisees and align ourselves with what Jesus is ultimately for?
Matthew 12:1-14

Matthew 11:25-30
Sun Jun 20 2021
Matt Alexander

These verses contain an incredible invitation, and we will be asking three questions: "Who's it from?", "Who's it for?" and "What's it all about?"
Matthew 11:25-30

Matthew 11:16-24
Sun Jun 13 2021
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be thinking about how we can respond rightly to God's grace before the Day of Judgement.
Matthew 11:16-24

Matthew 11:1-15
Sun Jun 06 2021
Matt Alexander

In this passage, Jesus graciously deals with the doubt of John the Baptist, and we'll see three ways in which we can deal with our doubts. Jesus then takes the opportunity to teach some lessons about the "kingdom of heaven," and we'll hear an encouragement and a warning.
Matthew 11:1-15

Matthew 10:32-42
Sun May 30 2021
Matt Alexander

We'll see in these challenging verses three features of a 'worthy' disciple, and we'll go on to consider the reward that Jesus promises to those who remain true to him.
Matthew 10:32-42

Matthew 10:16-31
Sun May 23 2021
Matt Alexander

These are not easy verses to read, but the warnings given here by Jesus are part of the everyday experience of countless Christians around the world today. Alongside the warnings, we will also consider the corresponding encouragements and reasons to be unafraid that Jesus gives.
Matthew 10:16-31

Matthew 10:5-15
Sun May 16 2021
Matt Alexander

Imagine being a fly on the wall listening in to the greatest team talk of all time! This is our experience this morning as we listen in to Jesus preparing the Twelve for their first mission. Jesus gives his disciples a message, and we'll be considering six features of that message: the Bearers, the Target, the Content, the Accompaniment, the Gift and the Reception.
Matthew 10:5-15

Matthew 9:35 - 10:4
Sun May 09 2021
Matt Alexander

Basic first aid teaches us that CPR saves lives. Jesus came into the world to save lives by opening up the way to eternal life. In this passage we'll be considering an alternative CPR: Compassion, Prayer and Response.
Matthew 9:35 - 10:4

Matthew 9:18-34
Sun May 02 2021
Matt Alexander

These verses speak to us about Faith in Jesus and the Authority of Jesus, and they beg the question: How will we Respond to Jesus?
Matthew 9:18-34

Matthew 9:9-17
Sun Apr 25 2021
Matt Alexander

We'll discover in these verses two challenges for us as individuals and as a church to get out of our "comfort zone".
Matthew 9:9-17

The Lord is my Shepherd
Sun Apr 18 2021
Easter 2021
Donnie Macleod

Donnie unpacks the opening verses of Psalm 23 and explains what it means for us to be shepherded by the Lord.
Psalm 23; John 10:1-18

John 20:24-31
Sun Apr 11 2021
Easter 2021
Ronnie Mackenzie

Through his resurrection appearances, Jesus reinstates his disciples and gives them peace, passion and purpose to live for him.
John 20:24-31

Easter Sunday 2021
Sun Apr 04 2021
Easter 2021
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be looking at John's account of the resurrection from John 20:1-18 and listening to two eye-witness statements from John and Mary Magdalene. We'll also be considering the implications of Jesus calling his disciples "brothers" and Mary's magnificent obedience!
John 20:1-18

Jesus the Gentle King
Sun Mar 28 2021
Easter 2021
Matt Alexander

This Palm Sunday morning we will be taking a look at John's account of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We'll be watching and listening and trying to get a sense of the excitement that surrounded that momentous occasion. None of the characters in the story seemed to fully grasp who Jesus was and what he had come to achieve - our task is to try to understand these things.
John 12:9-19

Matthew 8:28 - 9:8
Sun Mar 21 2021
Matt Alexander

In this passage we see that Jesus demonstrates his authority over demonic forces and over sin. There are four responses to Jesus, none of which is entirely adequate...how will we respond?
Matthew 8:28 - 9:8

Matthew 8:18-27
Sun Mar 14 2021
Matt Alexander

In our passage this morning we meet three types of disciples: one over-ready, one under-ready and some who follow Jesus into a boat (and then into a storm). Let us listen to what Jesus has to say to each.
Matthew 8:18-27

The wind of the Spirit
Sun Mar 07 2021
Barry Dennis

A challenge to be stirred into action by the wind of the Spirit.
John 3:1-8

Matthew 8:14-17
Sun Feb 28 2021
Matt Alexander

Our passage for this morning is Matthew 8:14-17, and we will be thinking about three glorious attributes of Jesus that we find in these verses: his compassion, his authority, and the fact that he bears our burdens.
Matthew 8:14-17

Matthew 8:5-13
Sun Feb 21 2021
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be focusing on Jesus' healing of a centurion's servant in Matthew 8:5-13. Jesus was "astonished" by the centurion's faith, and we will take a closer look at the Object and Outcomes of that faith.
Matthew 8:5-13

Matthew 8:1-4
Sun Feb 14 2021
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be focusing on Jesus' healing of a leper in Matthew 8:1-4. How does Jesus' treatment of the leper reassure us as we come to him with our great problem, and what should be our response?
Matthew 8:1-4

Matthew 7:13-29
Sun Feb 07 2021
Matt Alexander

This morning we conclude our studies in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus challenged his first listeners to live out their discipleship in light of his teaching, and I pray that we will be similarly challenged as we study the images that he used.
Matthew 7:13-29

Matthew 7:7-12
Sun Jan 31 2021
Matt Alexander

 We're going to be looking at two further encouragements to pray and then at the so-called "Golden Rule".
Matthew 7:7-12

Matthew 7:1-6
Sun Jan 24 2021
Matt Alexander

We live in a society that is incredibly judgemental. It is all too easy to disparage one another, especially on social media. What does Jesus have to say about judging others?
Matthew 7:1-6

Matthew 6:25-34
Sun Jan 17 2021
Matt Alexander

This is a time of great anxiety for many, and this morning we come to a passage that speaks directly into that. Why, according to Jesus should we not worry and what strategies can we employ to rid ourselves of worry?
Matthew 6:25-34

Matthew 6:19-24
Sun Jan 10 2021
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be picking up where we left off in Matthew's gospel, and specifically in the Sermon on the Mount. Just as Jesus challenged his listeners to consider what they valued most, so we will be testing our hearts with the questions: "Where is your treasure?", "Who is your master?" and "How is your eyesight?"
Matthew 6:19-24

God's Time and Timing in the New Year
Sun Jan 03 2021
New Year
Mike Rattenbury

Mike unpacks what the Bible has to teach us about God's creation of time and his intervention into his creation at the right time, and challenges us concerning our use of time in the year ahead.
Genesis 1:14-19; Ephesians 1:3-14

Lessons from a devout and righteous man
Sun Dec 27 2020
Advent 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be looking at the character of Simeon and listening to the prophetic words that he spoke over the baby Jesus and Mary. What can we learn from this devout and righteous man?
Luke 2:25-35

God's grace to shepherds, Mary and us!
Sun Dec 20 2020
Advent 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be seeking to better understand the grace of God by seeing grace in action in the story of the shepherds' visit to the baby Jesus in Bethlehem.
Luke 2:8-20

Matthew 6:9-15
Sun Dec 13 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be journeying through the Lord's prayer and seeking to understand better what it means to pray these familiar and precious words.
Matthew 6:9-15

Matthew 6:7-15
Sun Dec 06 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be considering one further example that Jesus gives of how not to pray before turning to how we should pray, with an introduction to the Lord's Prayer from Matthew 6:7-15.
Matthew 6:7-15

Matthew 6:1-6,16-18
Sun Nov 29 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be considering how we should and should not do our 'acts of righteousness' from Matthew 6:1-6,16-18. Are we performing for a crowd or living for our Audience of One?
Matthew 6:1-6,16-18

Matthew 5:38-48
Sun Nov 22 2020
Matt Alexander

This Sunday we will be focusing on Jesus' teaching on how we should respond to our enemies in Matthew 5:38-48. This teaching, which was revolutionary at the time, still shocks us today and begs the questions "Why?" and "How?". Sam will also be leading us in a prayer of intercession and Lily will bring us our Scripture reading.
Matthew 5:38-48

Matthew 5:33-37
Sun Nov 15 2020
Matt Alexander

This Sunday we will be focusing on Jesus' teaching on oaths and oath-taking in Matthew 5:33-37. In a society where we don't tend to take a lot of oaths, what is the relevance of this for our lives? Isobel will also be leading us in a prayer of intercession and Geoff will bring us our Scripture reading. We will also be praying for our mission partner Suresh and for the work of India Village Ministries.
Matthew 5:33-37

Matthew 5:27-32
Sun Nov 08 2020
Matt Alexander

This Remembrance Sunday we will be observing a 2-minute silence at 11:00. Later in the service we will be considering Matthew 5:27-32, which is Jesus' teaching on adultery in his Sermon on the Mount. Samuel will also be leading us in a prayer of intercession.
Matthew 5:27-32

Matthew 5:21-26
Sun Nov 01 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be studying Matthew 5:21-26, listening to and seeking to apply Jesus' teaching on anger. Gavin will lead us in intercessory prayer, and Sheelagh will bring our Scripture reading. We will also receive an update from Andrea Gardiner on the work of Project Ecuador in the midst of the pandemic.
Matthew 5:21-26

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
Sun Oct 25 2020
John Mark Comer

This morning we will be joining with brothers and sisters in Christ from Baptist Churches throughout Scotland and hearing about the "Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" from John Mark Comer. John Mark is the pastor of Bridgetown Church in Portland, Oregon. We will also be led in a prayer of intercession by Matt and be led in our sung worship by our amazing worship team.

Matthew 5:17-20
Sun Oct 18 2020
Oliver Vellacot

This morning we will be studying Matthew 5:17-20 and Oliver Vellacott will be recommending some PPE for the soul. We will also be led in a prayer of intercession by Ruth and hear Oliver and Isabel's powerful testimony about living with cancer and walking with God.
Matthew 5:17-20

Matthew 5:13-16
Sun Oct 11 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be studying Matthew 5:13-16 and considering what it means for us to really be the salt of the earth and the light in the world.
Matthew 5:13-16

Matthew 5:1-12
Sun Oct 04 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be studying Matthew 5:1-12 - the Introduction to the greatest speech the world has ever heard. What does it mean to be blessed, and how can we receive this blessing? Donald will lead us in intercessory prayer, and Zara, Rosa and Naomi will bring our Scripture reading.
Matthew 5:1-12

Matthew 4:12-25
Sun Sep 27 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be studying Matthew 4:12-25 and focussing on the calling of the first disciples. What does it mean to be a "fisher of men", and are we prepared to respond in the radical way the first disciples did? Ishbel will lead us in intercessory prayer, and Matt will bring our Scripture reading.
Matthew 4:12-25

Matthew 4:1-11
Sun Sep 20 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be studying Matthew 4:1-11 and looking at the temptation of Jesus. We will see how we can have victory over the tempter through the power of our overcoming Saviour. Willie will lead us in intercessory prayer, and Janelle will bring our Scripture reading.
Matthew 4:1-11

Matthew 3:13-17
Sun Sep 13 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be studying Matthew 3:13-17 and looking at the baptism of Jesus. We will be focussing our thoughts around 3 S's: Submission, Spirit Empowerment and Sonship. Eamon will lead us in intercessory prayer, and Izzy will bring our Scripture reading.
Matthew 3:13-17

Matthew 3:1-12
Sun Sep 06 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be studying Matthew 3:1-12 and considering John the Baptist's call to repentance and the great necessity for us to point to Jesus. Peter will lead us in intercessory prayer, and Gavin will bring our Scripture reading.
Matthew 3:1-12

Matthew 2:13-23
Sun Aug 30 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be studying Matthew 2:13-23 and thinking about how we can maintain our trust in the Sovereign control of God in the midst of perplexing circumstances. Josh will lead us in intercessory prayer, and Priscilla will bring our Scripture reading.
Matthew 2:13-23

Matthew 2:1-12
Sun Aug 23 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we will be studying Matthew 2:1-12 and considering three very different reactions to the birth of Jesus. We will be challenged to consider how we react to the King? Alan will lead us in intercessory prayer, and June will bring our Scripture reading.
Matthew 2:1-12

Matthew 1:18-25
Sun Aug 16 2020
Matt Alexander

This morning we're going to be studying Matthew 1:18-25, which will be read to us by Samuel. We will also be led in praise by our amazing worship band and in prayer by Carol.
Matthew 1:18-25

Matthew 1:1-17
Sun Aug 09 2020
Matt Alexander

In this morning's service we will be starting a new series looking at the gospel of Matthew. We will be taking a look at the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:1-17...what is the relevance of a big, long list of names? We will also be led in prayer by Kenny Cormack and share in an interview with Jayden Alexander. Welcome!
Matthew 1:1-17

Hebrews 12:1-3
Sun Aug 02 2020
Matt Alexander

First online service for Wick Baptist Church featuring songs from the worship band and a sermon based on Hebrews 12:1-3.
Hebrews 12:1-3